четверг, 13 января 2011 г.

Happy Birthday Baby Claire

Dear Claire,

Happy Birthday! Had you stayed with us, you would have been 3 years old today.
I miss you. I ache and rejoice thinking of you.
You and your mother are very often in my thoughts and prayers, especially now that I have my own baby girl and she has a cousin, your baby brother.
I picture you whole and perfected, big blue eyes, long fingers and toes, and blond hair just like your mothers when she was little. You are sitting on your Heavenly Fathers lap giggling and smiling.

Claire, I have to tell you thank you. YOU are the reason I take pictures. When you were born I was so sad to not have the ability to take beautiful pictures, to tell the story I wanted to remember forever.
I now take pictures for lots of other Moms and Dads that don't get to take their babies home. I feel you there when I'm shooting in those hospitals, shooting through the tears, trying to help them remember the few moments they get with their babies.

Your Mom and Dad love you.
You aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents love you.
We are all SO grateful you came to us. You taught us so much, you teach us so much.
We are sad you did not stay, but look forward to the day when we see you again.
Whole and perfected.
Big blue eyes
Sitting on your Mom and Dads lap
Giggling and Smiling.

Love you.
See you soon,

Aunt Sharon

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